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DVLS Low Oxygenates Analyzers

To prevent the poisoning effects of oxygenates on catalysts in downstream polymerization processes it is essential to determine the oxygenate traces in hydrocarbon feedstocks. Also regulations require the analysis of oxygenates in fuels, even at ppm level. Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions (DVLS) offers a range of Low Oxygenates (LowOx) Analyzers to determine oxygenate traces in hydrocarbon matrices such as crude oils, gases and gasolines.

GC Analysis of Trace Oxygenates

The DVLS Low Oxygenates Analyzers comply with the ASTM D7059, D7423, D7754 or UOP 960 test methods to characterize oxygenates traces in Hydrocarbon Matrices.

The DVLS Low Oxygenates Analyzer is based upon the Agilent 8890 Gas Chromatograph (GC) with built-in intelligence & electronic pneumatic control (EPC) and configured with dedicated hardware to meet the required test method, such as valves, a Deans switch, PTI or Pre-Fractionator. Various options are available to customize the oxygenates analysis such as the Liquefied Gas Injector to achieve ppb level detection limits for the analysis of trace oxygenates.