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DVLS Mid Distillates Analyzer

Accurate reporting of the aromatic hydrocarbon types contained in jet fuel and diesel is required for determining the quality of fuels. One of the methods used to specify the aromatics content is the FIA method ASTM D1319. Laboratories are looking for alternatives to replace the labour-intensive FIA method. Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions (DVLS) offers an alternative: the DVLS Middle Distilates analyzer dedicated to perform ASTM D6379, D6591, IP391, IP436, IP548 and/or EN12916 HPLC analyses.

Analysis of Aromatics in Jet Fuel & Diesel

The Middle Distillates Analyzer is based upon the robust Agilent 1260 Infinity II Liquid Chromatograph (LC) configured for the ASTM, IP or EN test methods including the method specific hardware and software components. Da Vinci offers two configurations.