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GERSTEL Solid Phase Extraction

Performing Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) manually can be time consuming, tedious, and difficult to achieve acceptable recovery and reproducibility due to sample variability. If SPE can be reliably automated, it becomes a much more efficient and reproducible process. GERSTEL has now automated the process using the MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS) with an Automated SPE Option.


Automated Solid Phase Extraction

Now you can automate you existing cartridge based SPE method without the need to make significant changes to your reagents, cartridges, and method parameters.

Following the SPE clean-up steps, the MPS can introduce the sample extract directly to an LC/MS or GC/MS system for analysis. Alternatively, the MPS can be used as a stand-alone sample preparation robot, preparing samples for multiple LC/MS or GC/MS systems in your laboratory.


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